Monday, November 23, 2009

All the puppies were born yesterday, Sunday, November 22nd. It was quite the birthday present for our son, Kyle. He turned 20 yesterday - what a busy day. Chamois started whelping her first puppy at 1:15 p.m. and 9 puppies later, she had her last puppy at 10:08 last night.

So, here they all are. 9 puppies, 6 females and 3 males. They ranged in size from 11.6 ounces to 14.6. They also range in color from very light, almost white, to very dark, which we think will become a fox red color. They are beautiful and very healthy.
Today we have weighed them all and put rick-rack collars on them so we can keep track of them easily. The males have royal blue, black and brown collars and the rest are females! They have all gained weight since yesterday, so we are off to a good start.
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